The Caribbean Literary Festival has been in the making for a few years and it was certainly wonderful to see if come to fruition on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. Books, popcorn, peanuts, cookies, pizza, coffee, and water took up their respective places, while some formidable volunteers made sure that everything was in spectacular shape. Attendance at the festival did not reflect the “likes” garnered on Social Media, where it was advertised extensively, but despite the low turn out, it was a powerful gathering.
The “soft launch” of the Caribbean Literary Festival took place on Saturday, April 28, 2018, in Culver City California. According to its founders, Sandra Campbell-Notice and Steve V. Russell, this festival is slated to be a yearly event.
The Caribbean Literary Festival has been in the making for a few years and it was certainly wonderful to see if come to fruition on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. Books, popcorn, peanuts, cookies, pizza, coffee, and water took up their respective places, while some formidable volunteers made sure that everything was in spectacular shape. Attendance at the festival did not reflect the “likes” garnered on Social Media, where it was advertised extensively, but despite the low turn out, it was a powerful gathering. |