I Can’t win when it comes to Halloween. My voice is the lone one saying, “We don’t need to celebrate Halloween!” I don’t really care about the parades, the costumes, or the decorations. I don’t care about the parties the candy or all other trimmings that remind us of that day. I often wonder why adults spend so much time and money on such a day. It really boggles my mind, that even with the fear associated with the day, that adults especially, will go to the ends of the earth to make sure a Halloween celebration is not missed. Despite many screaming children and adults, and the fear and anxiety one experiences, “fun,” is the order of the day.
I can’t win when I see grown adults create a frenzy about a day that celebrates what is scary, gory, and repulsive. Before the day even arrives, parties are being planned, and movies for television and the big screen, are being advertised. Adults are the planning and creating, wanting to make this day be even better than those of past years.
One of my biggest pet peeves, is observing parents who do not visit schools to check on their child’s academic progress, spending time planning for all things that would make Halloween, the best day for their child. They spend money they have not spent on school supplies, buying elaborate costumes, party supplies, etc. without a thought about their lack of support for anything academic. And don’t get me started on those adults who cry “I can’t afford breakfast for my child” but will “break the bank" to purchase all thing to celebrate Halloween.