Ok, so some us have a problem here. How do we talk less but say more. The answer may lie in us being better listeners. It’s a skill that most of us will have to practice daily, because at the base of the implementation lies the difficulty of allowing oneself to be quiet. No one wants to be quiet when they have something to say, and want to express it immediately to anyone who will listen! Our focus is often not to be quiet and be a good listener when someone is speaking. Our goal is to let the audience know that we have something to say, and it cannot wait.
Regardless of our eagerness to talk, it is just as important to listen. Listening, to talk less, and at the same time say more, requires one to choose what needs to be communicated wisely. We must be clear, and purposeful.
Here are some things to consider as we move towards being better talkers and listeners.
Why we should talk less:
- It gives others a chance to express themselves
- When you speak less, you can do more
- You become more thoughtful
- You are not the “empty filler” person
- You are telling others that you value them
- Not everything you have to say is important
- It gives others time to finish their speech
- It allows others to share their perspective
- You get to see things from the point of view of the other person
- You get to receive information
- Others will listen when you speak
- You are being thoughtful and mature
Remember that your goal is to talk less and listen more, so be wise about your choices.