It’s Back-To-School season once again and the excitement of a new beginning is still fresh for most kids and parents. Let’s be clear, there will be a few kids who will dread the thought of going back to school and a few parents who will be traumatized by the thought of their child having new experiences they have no control over.
Based on my experience in the educational system, one thing I know for sure, is that parents need to be, and must be involved in their children’s school life. As your child goes through the door each morning for school, you as a parent cannot just be content to say goodby, have a nice day, and retire to “your world.”
It is a general consensus that if parents are involved in every aspect of their child’s school life, the child will be a more responsible student/person. Parental involvement send signals to a child that makes parent expectations clear. When a parent is not actively engaged in what a child is doing at school, the message sent to the child is one which says, I don’t care, or you are on your own
Children need parents to be involved in their school life and here are a few reasons why…
- Your kids will earn better grades
- Your kids will behave better
- The self-confidence of your child all skyrocket
- Your child becomes more successful in all areas
- You as parent will become more comfortable with the school system
The number of parents involved in their child’s school life must increase. Participating must increase in the way they interact with your child about school, and in the school system itself. It cannot be left to the School District, the principal, or the teachers to take care of everything your child will need. If your child is to rise to the level you desire, you must be an engaged parent. #Let'sGo!
Some source to explore...,,