1st: Share a Smile Day. As you go about your day, smile at everyone you see.
What were the effects?
8th: International Women’s Day. List some contributions made by women
worldwide. Share with others.
10th: First Paper Money issued in 1862. Create you own paper currency. Color
and label amount.
12th: Day Light Savings Time begins. How does the time change affect where
you live? Write about it.
17th: St. Patrick’s Day. What do you know about Ireland. Do some reading.
20th: First Day of Spring. Give a woman a bouquet of flowers.
30th: Pencil with Eraser Patented. Draw a picture of you pencil then write
about how you use it.
Other Happenings:
National Craft Month
National Drug & Alcohol Awareness Week (1st Week)
National Umbrella Month
National Nutrition Month
National Peanut Month
National Women's History Month
Youth Art Month